Some open office doors for ladies, many others shower the fairer sex with compliments. When the latter is offered with genuine intentions and genteel reverence, the only proper reply is, "Thank you."
With a smile, of course.
On Thursday, I had to run an errand to see one of my downtown clients. I hit the pavement in my black suede, knee-high boots and green paisley shift dress.
Day-to-night dressing? I've got that down.
I'd just crossed 4th Street at Main when a bicyclist passed me on the sidewalk (ed note: I believe it's illegal to ride bikes on the sidewalks, friends. If it's not illegal, it's plain rude).
The guy just passed me when he tossed his head over his shoulder and said something to me, a big smile spread from ear to ear.
"Pardon?" I kindly offered.
"You look really nice today," he exclaimed, his pedals slowing.
I was about to offer my thanks when two delivery truck men unpacking boxes interjected.
"What about yesterday?" One retorted. The other didn't miss a beat: "Or the day before!"
The cyclist chuckled and cruised on, leaving a little joy behind him.
Another man paid me a compliment that afternoon - about aforementioned green dress - and I started wondering what was in the air.
My daily commute involves a two mile walk, round trip, through Over-the-Rhine and Downtown Cincinnati. I am constantly flattered (and occasionally grossed out) by the kind words and amorous efforts of the men of the Queen City.
I once heard someone say that a compliment is one of the best things you can give someone; it doesn't cost you a cent, but it makes the recipient feel like a million bucks.
The thing is, everyone appreciates a genuine compliment - an expression of flattery that praises a specific attribute or trait. I'd gander to say most ladies would prefer to hear, "Your eyes are beautiful," over an all encompassing, "Damn, you're sexy."
I might be wrong.
When you want to pay a compliment to someone (man, woman or child, for that matter), make sure your remark directly refers to something - how someone smiles, or their flair for words, e.g.
It underscores your observant nature and lets the recipient know you're sincere about your kindness.
Because the last thing we want you to do is blow smoke up our skirt.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.