So says my favorite morning show personality. John and I have both taken up running. He hit the pavement four years ago when he was diagnosed with diabetes. I started running as a part of a series of new habits I'm embracing to become my happiest, healthiest, best self.
Change can be hard, but when you think ahead to the future, you realize your hopes and dreams depend on positive action, no matter how difficult it is to embrace.
This is what I looked like a year ago.
I started running at the end of June - three miles a day, three days a week. This is all leading up to a half marathon I'm doing with Bluegrass Brit in Carlsbad, California in January.
The registration is locked in, and we're both committed.
And I am ready to run.
I've lost 27 pounds since April, and I intend on losing 23 more. I'm already diving in to my wardrobe archives (the dress above was something I hadn't worn in nine years) and have my sights set on a bikini for California.
Sometimes I wonder what's gotten into me.
And then I remember that I've crossed a threshold and I am focused on my future, my goals and my dreams, and I am doing whatever it takes to make greatness happen.
So. Running. How do you feel about it?
The Junior League Jog hits the streets of Hyde Park on October 9. (Full disclosure, I am on the Board of Directors for the Junior League of Cincinnati.) The fundraiser effort aims to support the organization's work in the community, and also train our members for effective leadership opportunities in other organizations.
The race costs 30 bucks, and comes complete with a family-friendly fun zone afterwards, if you're in to that kind of thing. Me? I will probably refuel with a beer or a Bloody Mary at one of the cozy spots in Hyde Park Square.
I hope you can join us. And if you do, I'll put you through the paces, because I am ready to run.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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