And that's what I'm doing on September 12, 2011.
A few things that are doing well to improve my disposition:
Cincinnati is getting Zipcar. For those of you who aren't familiar, this is an easy (and affordable) way to briefly use a car without paying a full day's rental fee. If renting a car for one day costs about 40 or 50 bucks, using Zipcar will be a far more affordable opportunity for folks who just need to use a car for a few hours.
Other awesome cities like Portland, San Francisco and Chicago have Zipcar. The car sharing program is a stellar tool for folks who have otherwise chosen to go car-free.
Some urban type folks in Downtown Cincinnati and Over-the-Rhine have been hesitant to go car free because of the few transportation options in the city; this offering will definitely support the car-free cause.
I can't wait. This option will help me get to Symmes Twp. to see my parents much more easily.
(Aside: please check out 5chw4r7z's blog for some solid criticism of the anti-streetcar group, COAST. It seems they used social media to dishonestly and inappropriately exploit the tragedy of September 11 to disparage Cincinnati's streetcar plan. Anyone with a shred of decency would realize this type of discourse is completely out of bounds.)
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They say spring and early summer in Buenos Aires is beautiful, and I am considering seeing it with my own two eyes. I need a trip to plan - and fast - and I am seriously considering jetting to South America to celebrate my 35th birthday.
Nothing firmly in the works, but this could just be the trip that's worth draining my frequent flyer points.
Man, it's fun to dream.
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I started seriously watching what I eat and regularly exercising in June, and I am proud to say I'm down 24 pounds and counting.
Healthy behaviors are critical to living a long, rich life, and I know I need to work hard at establishing better habits if I intend to experience a life chock full of adventure and and passion.
Bluegrass Brit and I have registered to run a half marathon in Carlsbad, California in late January; I'm busy training and can run three miles in about 30 minutes. I've got to work on my distance these next few months, but for now I'm pretty pleased with my progress.
And to think - a few months ago, the thought of running a single mile wore me out.
It's amazing what we can do when we are committed, body and soul.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
1 comment:
So proud of you! A lot of my friends have taken up training for running events. They're having fun and losing weight. Keep up the good work!
P.S. I may be able to help you get to S.America....
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