Someone to respond to my four email accounts, manage my Facebook messaging, sync my Google Calendar appointments with my Microsoft Office schedule (the workplace virtual office doesn't integrate those two easily), take out my trash and answer fan mail.
Okay, maybe not so much on that last part.
Life as been one damn cluster after another, both in my professional life and in my civic endeavors. I feel like I'm the guy on the Johnny Carson show trying to keep all of the plates spinning on the spindles.
Thankfully we've had minimal crashing and banging.
Speaking of crashing and banging, my old stomping grounds of Madison, Connecticut is getting ready to be knocked around by none other than Hurricane Irene. My heart goes out to everyone along the Eastern seaboard who's seeking relief from this mighty storm.
Especially seniors and those folks who might not have the means to take appropriate precautions.
Earlier this week, I was asked to come up with a theme song for a program I'm attending next month. For inspiration, I asked my FB friends, "You know how baseball players get to pick the song that plays when they are up to bat? What song would you pick?"
Lots of suggestions came forward, but in light of the current weather developments, perhaps this is the best tune for the moment.
Stay strong, East Coast. Stay strong.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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