I did, after all, just spend 12 days traipsing to the East Coast to spend a couple nights in Connecticut and NYC, a nine-day jaunt to India and then another night back in the Big Apple.
For some people, that sounds like enough travel for an entire calendar year.
The thing is, I am not sated. In fact, I am hungry to plan excursions aplenty to places far and wide.
My finger twitches, and then all of a sudden I find myself Googling about trips to Montreal or New Orleans or Colorado. I pour over last minute travel websites, comparing offers for whirlwind weekend getaways to places near and far.
I check Orbitz over and over and over to compare ticket prices for an anticipated trip to Atlanta next month.
I am awash with wanderlust. And I don't know why.
Introspection came as I toddled along on Metro's Route 45 this morning. There I was, reliving my youth and listening to Billy Joel's Greatest Hits, when the Piano Man himself crooned, "I can see a time coming when I'm gonna throw my suitcase out."
It's a lyric tied to the idea of settling down and being in love.
For the rest of us - do we keep traveling, going places, seeking the inspiration that will make us still?
The ink in my passport is barely dry, and I'm already contemplating a lofty, lusty adventure to someplace exotic for my 35th birthday. Buenos Aires? Rome? Athens?
I want to see more. I want to do more.
And I think it's because I want to be more.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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