That's how I feel about the past year. The last 12 months have offered a wild ride with crazy ups that felt like sex on fire and crazy downs that felt like a sucker punch.
Fingers crossed that 2011 offers more of the former.
January - A kick ass trip to San Francisco. 'Twas my second time in that grand, glorious city, but the first time visiting during restaurant week, as well as first time visits to Chez Panisse and Sonoma (highlights include Robledo and Cline wineries).
February - LOST. It started with a DVD rental in May, 2009. It concluded with a kick ass finale a year later. I began watching LOST with the rest of the brethren last February, and the series dictated my life for the three months that followed. LOST is a good show. If you haven't watched it, I suggest adding it to your Netflix queue.
March - Two great things this month. First, I stood up and gave a presentation on the art of Looking Good While Cooking Naked at Cincinnati's second Ignite evening. It was a phenomenal, challenging experience that has really impacted my idea of public speaking. I've always had a knack for standing up and saying something to a crowd - I had no idea pictures would be so important, too. Also in March, I had probably one of the most frank and personal conversations of my life with someone I deeply care for. Was one of the most honest moments of my life and has become an example of how I strive to interact with all people.
April - My apologies, but I can't really assign anything significant to April. Que sera.
May - The month I assumed a position on the Junior League of Cincinnati's executive board. The JLC has made a huge impact in my life, teaching me leadership skills and offering service opportunities. I've made great relationships while serving with the organization and am excited about my two-year term as Communications VP. Equally important: Lawmakers in D.C. passed important health care reform legislation. This is a milestone, people, and it will impact every family for years to come.
June - The great migration to Over-the-Rhine. June, 26, 2010 will always go down as the day my life changed forever. Sounds kind of blown up, but if you've moved to OtR or appreciate the neighborhood, you totally understand the sentiment.
July - My first brush with OtR crime. Someone hopped a fence and stole the back wheel off my bicycle. Armed with enough locks and cable to secure Fort Knox, I've learned my lesson and intend on living a theft-free lifestyle in my neighborhood. God help the bastard who messes with the scooter I'm planning to buy in the spring.
August - The blog turned six. If this isn't a milestone, then I don't know what is.
September - MPMF. I'll never forget it. There I was, jumping up and down and dancing under a tent behind Grammer's, grooving to the Tom Tom Club, when I noticed that the woman jumping along side me was none other than Cincinnati Enquirer food writer Polly Campbell. It was a fun night for Cincinnati, and meeting Polly in person was the cherry on top.
September runner-up: United Way's text-to-give effort. The Labor Day effort made for a huge undertaking at the office, but I was jazzed to get to appear on Fox19's morning show, as well as escort Cincinnati Bengal #57 to the studios for his own media appearance. In my book, any day you see Dhani is pretty great.
October - Mockbee Halloween. Where else is it acceptable to go out in public in nothing but a bathing suit and fishnet hose? I loved my Liza Minelli/Chita Rivera costume, and I'm certain it will make another appearance someday.
November - Too many to mention. OtR Field Day/United Way Future Fund event/Murder Mystery party/Watch This "On The Waterfront." The second to last month of the year dished up an amazing array of unique social endeavors. How do people in this city get away with saying they're bored?
December - A Car-Free Lifestyle. The Saab sputtered its way out of my life during the Christmas holiday. Initially a scary prospect, I am really excited about being sans car and even launched a new blog to chronicle the experience.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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