Glinting tresses made light by the season's hottest rays, the Girls of Summer are perfectly clipped and coiffed to ensure they last through the longest days of the year.
Technically, I don't completely measure up to the Girls of Summer. I'm fair and burn at the first hint of the sun's rising. The bridge of my nose is peppered with freckles and my pale blue eyes rush to squint unless I have my big, black sunnies on.
That doesn't mean I can't primp and prep like the rest of 'em.
Thursday welcomed a much needed pedicure and mini-massage, thanks to Barbara and Jamie at Sia Spa. My dear friend, GOP Big Wig, and I put on some comfy, white robes and popped the cork on a fantastic bottle of champagne as our calloused feet (she's a runner, I'm, uh, walker) were buffed and trimmed and polished and massaged.
My toes, complete with OPI's Big Apple Red, glistening paint, are now officially ready for the hottest sandals, wedges, flip flops and stilettos this side of Abu Dhabi.
Summertime, what with its requisite heat and humidity, has a way of bringing on the barest of clothing. Little sundresses, tiny tanks and tops that allow for maximum exposure and minimum perspiration.
There's nothing worse than getting caught with sweaty pits.
Dove's PR reps were kind enough to hook me up with a supply of their latest deodorant to hit the market - Dove's Ultimate Go Fresh - Energizing deodorant. This stuff is light on the nose - grapefruit and lemongrass - and is billed as offering 24 hour protection.
Perhaps sweating in bed is the only thing worse than getting caught with sweaty pits.
But I digress.
Dove's "people" told me this deodorant was supposed to keep my underarms nice and smooth while lessening unsightly razor burn.
It seems to be working alright.
So, no matter what the mercury says on the thermometer, I think I can stay refreshed these next few months.
Hot pedicure and cool underarms - the recipe to summer sexy.
Disclosure: Special thanks to the folks with Dove Deodorant, who sponsored my spa outing, and provided me with ample supplies to keep my arm pits dry through the dog days of summer.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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