Exploring San Francisco on my own was one of the most amazing experiences. I fell in love with the funky city on the Bay, what with it's collection of fiercely individualistic neighborhoods, decadent food and drink, and of course - views a plenty.
Up until a couple weeks ago, San Fran wasn't even on my radar as a coming travel destination, but lady luck (okay, Bluegrass Brit) showed favor on me and is sharing some nearly expired buddy passes.
I jumped at the chance to jet off somewhere far from home.
After surveying Southwest's flight routes and exploring what several cities will have to offer in mid-January, I settled on San Francisco. It was a close fight - Restaurant Week in SF versus Restaurant Week in NYC versus a never-before-visited Seattle.
Ahh, San Francisco. One has to look no further than Hitchcock's Vertigo to understand why someone would fall in love with such a magical place.
Wingman is joining me for this trip. He is quick to tell you he's. been. everywhere. and happily, he signed up to fly the friendly skies with me in two weeks.
We're either going to be great friends or arch enemies after a jaunt out west.
My brain is in overdrive, considering what I want to accomplish in San Francisco.
I've walked Golden Gate (but would likely enjoy driving it), I've been to the Ferry Building/Embarcadero, Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39. Don't mind revisiting the former, but would be just fine with skipping the rest.
I didn't get to go to Alcatraz or on a Bay cruise last year, so that may be in order this time around.
On my list of hopefuls: the Legion of Honor, Harvey Milk's photography shop and City Lights. I am still kicking myself for walking by -but not stopping in- that historic bookstore.
Of course, I have to have an Irish Coffee or two at The Buena Vista. Watching those tenders is like taking in high drama or a symphony of alcoholic precision. And the fashionista in me is toying with a trip to Lemon Twist for a custom made coat.
Hey, a girl can dream, right?
That we are visiting San Francisco during Restaurant Week is no coincidence. For all my exposure and interest in good food, Wingman's palate can run circles around mine, so I'm looking forward to getting schooled on dining while we're in CA.
We've thrown out the idea of daytripping to Napa, but who knows where whimsy will take us.
I'm kind of hoping to explore Berkley, too, as I've never explored the other places around the Bay. My parents and Rusty/The Divine Ms. M say Tiburon and Sausalito are spectacular, too.
I don't know what it is about travel.
The thought of adventure makes my heart dance. The opportunity for new experiences and a break from reality sounds delicious, and a chance to see a less familiar part of the world makes me feel one step closer to understanding humanity.
Schmaltzy, yes. But it's how I feel, folks.
Anybody out there with some good suggestions for traveling San Francisco?

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
I'll admit I'm biased but visit this place:
Corbas Coffee & Tea
364 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94102-4481
(415) 863-8590
My Aunt and Uncle own the place.
Have a wonderful time! It's a great city.
Tommaso's and Dottie's should be on your must-visit list.
Lucky you! and enjoy. Take a ferry boat to Tiburon for lunch, get your bay ride and Tiburon trip. For great eats check MIchael Mina (inside the Westin St Francis) @MichaelMinaSF on twitter. Also, for great wines, and food, go to the 5th Floor (in Hotel Palomar).
Jack Twitter=@NWWines
I don't know why, but my husband and I always love to have breakfast at Louis' overlooking the ruins of the Sutro baths. And we love the free - donation only - city guide walking tours. The guides are lovers of the particular facet of SF featured in their tour. We especially enjoyed the Haight-Asbury tour, the cityscape tour of public spaces in unexpected places, the night North Beach tour, oh just all of them. Our guides have all been great and we took several of them to lunch afterwards and enjoyed getting acquainted with them. Sounds like you have a great time planned.
So you know, Berkeley has three "e"s. Yes, if you go there, be sure to walk on campus [berkeley.edu]. A stroll down Telegraph Ave. can be an adventure....
Places you might want to visit while in San Francisco: Across from the Pacific Ocean is the Beach Chalet. It has a couple restaurants and they brew their own ale. [beachchalet.com]
If you want to sample some really good ale and you're in the Haight, visit Magnolia Pub and Brewery. Food's good, and it's not just brew-pub fare. [magnoliapub.com]
Have fun!
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