Jay Leno has this quote.
He tells you to go through your address book and call everyone you know, and ask them to drive you to the airport. The people who agree to help out are true friends. Those who don't aren't bad people... they're just acquaintances.
As I push on through my 30s, I realize how precious my friendships are. Family - I adore them, they're who I came from and what made me who I am today. But I didn't pick 'em.
Friends? They're each sparkling treasures I found and am lucky to call my own.
I can't express how grateful I am to have a circle of friends who have made a great substitute for family in this single girl's world. These inspirational beings encourage me, make me laugh and give me a hand to hold as I walk this road of life alone.
But not lonely.
My list of acquaintances is long, but so is my list of people who I know would take me to the airport.
Hell, I hope they're all coming along on the trip.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Hm... I should have thought about that before grabbing a rental car for December. I could have used a pick up from the airport. :-) Do you count Columbus (CMH) as local or not local? :-)
Thanks for the love Kate! And happy thanksgiving to you. I hope if finds you well, rested and ready to shop.
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