Well, maybe some day.
For now - it's all about walking.
I'm in desperate need of making some healthier changes in my life. I like good food and drink too much, and though that's not a crime, people can feel better about indulging if they combat effects with exercise.
Right now, my exercise output is nada. Nil. Zero. Zilch. Zip.
That's all about to change.
For one thing, at my ol' friend Thomas' suggestion - I am putting walking on my schedule. If I don't make it a priority, if I don't make ME a priority, then nothing else really matters.
Notice all the pretty teal appointments on my Outlook Calendar? Those are my appointments with myself. Those are the times when I'm committing to lace up my sneakers these next two weeks and hit the pavement - sometimes for two hours, sometimes for just 30 minutes.
Also notice this Saturday is so jam packed that you can't even see the teal appointment holder, but trust me - it's there (hence the big red, glaring star.)

My thought is this - if I put this out there, and tell the entire world (well, at least all of you), then I am going to have to follow through, or face utter embarrassment.
I am also hoping some of you will hold me accountable, and perhaps even want to join me from time to time.
I'm not making any significant changes to my eating habits - just yet. The plan is to start small, and pray this seed blossoms and brings change to other aspects of my life.
Starting small - likely the best step toward success.
This challenge also doesn't include any specific goals regarding pounds or inches lost. I have a number in my head that I'm secretly shooting for, but it won't be the end of the world if I don't get there.
All I know is, I have spectacular wardrobe of clothing that is dying to come out of the closet.
I hope to do some video blogging of this new plan from time to time.
And if you're thinking, Kate is nuts to be embarking on a new exercise regimen in the middle of autumn - believe me, you're not the first to think that way.
I just hope I can stick with walking in the colder temperatures and even snowy weather.
I must be nuts.
Maybe someday I'll be nuts and thin(ner).

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
so ironic kate, i had a blog post scheduled about the concept of me becoming shallow, because i've let my weight become such an issue in my own head (but not letting it be an issue in my opinions of others.)
i, for one, am here for moral support.
and if you'd be so inclined...i'd love to join you as a workout companion!
jut let me know. (you know how to reach me)
Hey kate, I commend you for "the change" since it is so hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and especially trying to exercise in this weather. I think it's a good idea to make time for exercise and to put it on the calendar. Then you know that it's gotta happen! :)
I myself have made time everyday for a walk/jog and I would be happy to join you. As a short term goal, I'm thinking about doing the Thanksgiving Day Race, which is what you make of it and doesn't necessarily have to be a "race."
Good luck and let me know if I can help!
~ Breanna
I started out the same way 9 months ago...just feeling like I wanted to get back in control of myself. After 30 days working out became a habit, and now I have a hard time taking a day off here and there.
Good luck!
I'd love to join you sometime! You should definitely look into finding a regular workout buddy - they are invaluable for pushing you to keep it up in the cold months.
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