Granted, I intend on living in Cincinnati forever.
But Madison, Connecticut has my heart, so in some ways, I guess that makes it my home.
Madison is a place where time is a little bit slower. A place shrouded in my memories. High school angst and silly crushes. The dirty work of my first summer job - schlepping plates at one of the town mainstays. The photo above was my view at work - not bad for a 16 year-old pulling four and change while busing tables.
Madison is lobster boils and patriotic bunting.
Madison is cool summers (Lord have mercy if the mercury climbs higher than 85 degrees) and long walks along the water. Madison is sand everywhere - in your car, your house, your hair.
I am sure part of my nostalgia for Madison is credited to the era in which I spent time there - a time when I was not worried about bills or stressed out about too many commitments/too much work/too many problems.
Life was "hard" when I didn't have any gas in the car or couldn't find anybody to play with on a weekend night.
I miss the place that holds for me the epitome of summer break. Bike rides and Ten Summoner's Tales on my CD walkman, long drives along the water through neighboring towns.
My family and I had a morose conversation once about where we each wanted our ashes scattered. We all agreed that we'd want a piece of us left on those rocks in the picture above. I guess I want to haunt Madison in the afterlife as much as it haunts me now.
I miss the Sound.
I miss home.

Kate's Random Musings by Kate the Great is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
1 comment:
The memories of home are an intoxicating thing. I tried to move back "home" about 4 years ago when I was at a crossroads in my life and ended up leaving again 3 years later when I realized it was the wrong place for me, the grown up. But now I enjoy missing it again, from a safe distance.
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