11 am - Loverboy. Working For the Weekend
Finally. A brief respite after a week of work at the salt mine.
6 pm - Don Henley. Dirty Laundry
A bunch of work people doing what they do best - reminiscing about the wins of the week and talking about the Dwight Schrutes of the newsroom.

Assistant Regional Manager, er, Assistant to the Regional Manager at Dunder-Mifflin
You just can't beat a deal of 10 bucks for 10 beers and 2 mixed drinks... at a spot with one of the best views in the city. God Bless the Pavilion.
11 pm - Barenaked Ladies. Alcohol
And the drinks keep coming...
2 am - The Presidents of The United States of America - She's Lump
10 am - Weezer. Headache
12 pm - The Beatles. I'm Only Sleeping
2 pm- Boy George. The Crying Game
Brokeback Mountain is a good flick. It gets a bad rap because of the not so subtle gay theme, but it was shot beautifully, and it will break your heart if you can put aside your judgment and just take it as a love story between two people who just can't be together.
4:30- James Taylor. You've Got A Friend
GOP Big Wig was in the 513, so we decided to meet at our shared favorite shopping destination for a latte and some convo. GBW was in a bit of a bummer mood but she ended up making me feel super good about myself with her generous compliments and abundant support. Hugs and kisses, GBW (PS. Do you notice how that's a messed up monogram for W?)
7 pm- Yardbirds. Hang On Sloopy
A meeting of the minds at the Willie's in Covington to watch OSU smack the collective ass of the Texas Longhorns. I was sandwiched at the bar between Big Blue Blood and Southern Son, both cheering for Matthew McConaughey's team (don't you think that he and Lance are getting just a little bit too close?) I decided to root for OSU since, well, I really have no ill will for my Buckeye brothers and sisters, and since I turned down The Ohio State University to go to The University of Kentucky (Hey... The-O-S-U implies it's THE university among the state schools. I say, The-U of K implies my school is THE school of Kentucky. Bar none. So there).
The game was a good one, despite some trash talking between Southern Son and a rabid Buckeye fan.
9 am - Survivor. Eye of the Tiger
Race for the Cure in Mason was awesome. I felt a major sense of awe as I saw so many cancer survivors wearing their pink t-shirts and hats. I decided to break a sweat with a fast walk (though there are some plans to get back into my running pattern circa 2000 - stay tuned for that). With every step I saw people wearing cards honoring much missed loved ones and celebrating those who've beaten this awful disease. And yes, man with the purple t-shirt. I agree with the message splashed across your chest - Cancer Sucks. I thought about GBW's mother, my good friend The Bride (who beat three types of cancer before the age of 28) and Big Blue Blood's mother.
11:15 am - Madness. Our House
I cruised by a home in the Montgomery/Symmes Twp. area that my parents had mentioned they were considering buying. I was surprised when I saw the SOLD sign in the front yard and called home to find out that Yes, Indeed, Kate. Mom and Dad did buy the house. My little sister Mickdizzle has requested a blog expanding on that development so you'll have to stay tuned. I've already got posts planned for Monday and Tuesday of this week, so perhaps that one will come Wednesday.
1 pm - Kool & The Gang. Jungle Boogie
The Bengals rolled over the Kansas City Chiefs this afternoon despite the torrential downpours out that way. Chad Johnson's blond mohawk type hairstyle is fly... and for some reason I think his thug, yellow gold grill is kinda hot... Hot like Fitty Cent... and I think I've already expanded on that crush... but then, I have a crush on Tucker Carlson, too, so go figure. I suppose George P. Bush is the closest the GOP has to gangsta, and Georgie P. Is pretty fine, too.
Oh, I totally forgot. I'm supposed to be talking about the Bengals.
The game was awesome despite a major injury on the other side. I'm glad Chiefs QB Trent Green isn't paralyzed after that slammin' hit by Robert Geathers. Green doesn't have any recollection of the play that put him out of the game.
Carson, I've got my fingers crossed for ya, buddy.
That's why drinking is kind of like time travelling. You wind up in a different place than you started, you can't remember how you got there and you've got random bruises and injuries that are unexplainable.
Thank goodness Bacchus (the god of drunken fools) is there to protect us.
t2ed- I've overdone it so many times. I think I was in a stupor between 23 and 27. As much as I've forgotten, I can definitely remember the days I prayed that God would strike me dead to take away the pain of a hangover.
Thank God I haven't had one of those in a long,long time. Now 4 drinks makes me hurt the next day.
Yeah, I guess I'm a lightweight now.
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