I am in love with the idea of marriage. Unfortunately, I'm not jumping at the chance to tie the knot right now, seeing as Mister Prince Charming is either in hiding or hasn't made his way to my area code yet.
In the meantime though, I am happy to live vicariously through my friends.
I've been married a couple times. Once on the beach, once in one of Cincinnati's most historic churches. Once in my hometown church with the most stunning seaside reception. I've had tons of kids. I've got one little boy who just learned how to walk when holding on to the couch. I had two little girls in the calendar year of 2005, and I also have a little four year old boy who is learning his sounds and how they form words on the page. And get this: I am even expecting a little boy in May.
Well, now I just got engaged.

I'm speaking facetiously, of course.
A wonderful friend of mine just got proposed to by this great guy, another friend of mine. They are the cutest couple and they have an amazing love for each other. This man is successful and I think a bit used to his ways, so to speak, so some of us wondered whether he'd muster the strength (or perhaps cojones) to pop the question. One thing's for sure: we knew he'd be a fool to let this gem of a girl get away.
My friend just asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, and I am thrilled. It's going to be a Catholic wedding (read: lots of drinking and dancing) and I am always up for a great party, but more importantly I have a huge respect and admiration for a union I completely believe in.
Best wishes to the happy couple. I'll be there with bells on (and if the bride has her way, some tap shoes, too) in September!
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