The Victoria Secret Semi Annual Sale is over July 4th. Get your orders in now before you run out of coverage and start nipping out at the movie theatre during "War of The Worlds."
There's nothing I hate more than cutting glass while watching an extraordinary battle for the future of mankind.
Ok lady, that is something that I never expected to consider...
And the hazards of overly air-conditioned movie theatres go beyond the ol' turkey timers. I walked out of the Romero flick the other day and my glasses steamed up (its the rainey season and humid as hell). I damned near got run over by a bunch of Chamorro teenagers in a pickup truck.
Enjoy the sale.
We all have problems, George. Mine is giving people a visual indicator that it's cold outside.
I have a great invention for this for wintertime. It involves those little warming gel packs, but that's a story for anothet time.
Mmmm..I'm sorry..there were words posted after the picture...
I gotta look into that later...
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