I have my first officers meeting today and I'm wondering this: just what kinds of social activities do I want to bring to the table?
Not quite what I have in mind...
I've been an active member in this particular group for three and a half years now. It's a great Catholic study with a good mix of ages ranging between 18 and 40. Being that we're Catholic, we love drinking and gambling (I'm playing on stereotypes here, but I also happen to be telling the truth) and so our social events are sometimes a bit more, uh, spicy than your average bible study outing.

We've toured bourbon distilleries (Maker's Mark, to be exact. Micah, eat your heart out) and have even trekked to a bourbon festival. We go to the horse races at the beautiful Keeneland Race Course every meet (April and October). We always make a day cheering on the local single A baseball team and we usually like to hit the ice skating rink in Winter.
Bowling. Done it. Golf. Done it (scramble style, and my foursome was awful but we gave it the college try). We've been to Shakespeare in the Park, Mammoth Cave, and the Cincinnati Art Museum. We've done all kinds of things, so I'm feeling a bit of pressure to bring something that's outside of the box.
Being that I'm one of the more social folks in the group (it is a bible study, after all, not a rave club), I think the other members suspect I will be bringing a few more creative, non-traditional social events to the group.
This Fall I tested my creativity by organizing a fresh, new activity for the group; we did a local version of The Amazing Race, prompting teams to visit some of the historic and scenic spots around Lexington.
Now I'm wracking my brain (and appealing to all y'all) for a few other ideas. Right now I've come up with a Wine Tasting idea and then maybe a Murder Mystery dinner.
I'd love to hear any suggestions for social events that could be enjoyed for a group between 10 and 25 people...
One of the guys in my Bible study (all about 25-32 years of age) runs a tutoring group for inner city kids. He owns a minibus because of that - yes, a short bus. Anyway, we loaded our group up in the bus and headed to the nearest Bojangles (in Emporia) because he's from North Carolina and wanted some food from home. We had a great time, sweet potato pies and all. Some of the other Bible studies at my church have expressed interest in joining us next time we go...although maybe that's a men's thing. Long story short, a road trip can be fun. It makes for great fellowship.
I'd love to tour the Maker's Mark distillary. But I bet I have you beat on MM swag: about a dozen or so swizzle sticks, two plastic coasters, two glasses, and a sleeve of golfballs.
As for Catholic Bible study activities, how about a screening of "Dogma"? :)
What about a trip to a lake/marina in the summer? Paddleboats, swimming, picnic and such. Even better if somebody in the group has a boat.
How about a trip to Fort Knox?
Well... our church has an annual English Tea, but then, it's Episcopalian... I think you're probably looking for something a little more exciting! Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog via Michele, and thanks very much for the flashcard idea!
Fort Knox... sure. We could steal all the gold bars.
And the English Tea, that actually sounds like a lovely idea for some of the ladies in the group... I think many of them would enjoy that. Maybe we could do that when the guys do something guy-like.
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