"All of Central Kentucky: Take Cover. Armageddon is almost here."
Seriously, folks. The wind here is blowing pretty fiercely... it led to a power outage at our station half an hour before my show. Fortunately we have a back-up generator, and we were able to get our computers up and running (without too much commotion) so I could print my scripts and show rundown in time (In laymans terms, we had a bunch of crazy ass news people running around with their heads cut off until things were back to normal. I, of course, was perfectly calm).
Wind is whipping at around 40 miles an hour... and we have three counties under a thunderstorm warning. A tree has fallen on a house in Lexington, fortunately no fire or injuries. A tree is also blocking my street, so power's been cut off to all homes and businesses in the area (I hope my Ben and Jerry's doesn't melt).
The sky is a black ominous shade, and the horses beyond the fence next to our station are running around aimlessly, searching for higher ground.
And the best is yet to come. We're awaiting a drastic temperature change. Right now it's in the mid 60s... by bed time it will be in the 20s or teens.
Sorry about all the boring weather talk, but news people get a hard on for crazy ass weather events, and the above is just a little glimpse inside a tv station on a wild weather day.
Central Ahia's in the same boat. Currently it's 66, windy as crap (only 26 mph, though), and cloudy. Tonight it is supposed to be 26 and rainy/snowy. It'll suck if my power goes out. What am I supposed to do - read?!!
The wind is starting to pick up here in the Capital of the South...but it's about 77 degrees out and I'm not going to complain. No snow here though...Ukrop's would be out of milk and bread already, and preemptive school closings would be in effect.
VA is still picking up the pieces from the Great 2" Snowfall of '97.
Oh Micah, you can dust off those always-fun law books and read by candle light. It's almost romantic in a William F. Buckley sort of way.
OH Spydrz... if you even breathe a word of snow... schools are closed here because buses can't get down in the holler!
Here it's always fun to watch the local news during the snow...the closings list is usually longer than the news program. Ah, Gene and Sabrina... (remember them Micah?)
Crazy freak weather everywhere.
Last Wednesday night we got 7 inches of snow. We were fighting snowbanks and icy roads for 3 or 4 days. Then two days ago we get a heat wave and the temperature soars to 42 degrees. Snow is melting and rain is prevelant, and we have FLOOD WARNINGS, in the middle of winter. Yesterday we had thunderstorms, in Winter! Thunder and Lightning while it poured buckets in the middle of January...IN WISCONSIN! Mother Nature is having some fun with us cuz in the next few days the temperature is supposed to drop down to the single digits, turning all this water into a dangerous sheeth of ice. Yes Mother Nature is our friend.
OMG! I can't stand this skanky winter any longer. It's warm and balmy like here on he east coast and we're dropping back down into the teens on the weekend! I like a consistently cold and dry winter. Keeps the strep throat(s) and viral bugs at bay!
(Liz @ This Full House)
Oh Kate, the best is yet to come. I live in Louisville, if you don't remember. Yesterday, it was 60 some degrees. I was wearing shorts at one point. Somewhat rainy in the afternoon. Last night it was fairly windy. Unless I slept through it, we didn't get any major weather. But, when I wake up this morning, it's only 33 degrees. Big difference from yesterday. This temperature changes are ridiculous. I swear its why every one is sick. Mother Nature needs to make up her dang mind already!!
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