Less than nine minutes to newstime. What I live and die by: The Network Clock.

Me and my compadres (my director in center, my chyron operator at far right) in Studio Control just minutes before we put on The Big Show.

The mess of monitors I look at while sitting in that seat. As you can tell by the analog clock at center... we're about 15 minutes in to Broadcasting Excellence.
Your news starts at midnight?
That's military time, baby. I'm the queen of our noon show... it's a show all about the chicks and old people at home watching during lunch.
Is it glamorous like that late 80s movie where Burt Reynolds managed a cable news network?
Don't forget about convicts and the unemployed! I'm one of those.
Spydrz... no glamour here. At least not in the Producer Pod. Over in Anchor Alley things are a bit more ritzy. We eat sack lunches and drink automatic drip coffee... they're more like dinners out and 'bucks Frappachinos over there.
Burt Reynolds as a cable network owner. Now, I wonder who THAT was patterned after?
Funny, I started my month long countdown to unemployment today. Micah... Cincinnati's about half way between us. Seeing as we're going to have so much time on our hands... I'm tempted to ask you to meet me.
That would be scary. For you, I mean.
Unemployment is fun!! I don't even remember what having a job feels like.
You'll be unemployed. The bar'll be over and I'll still be unemployed. Sounds great!
BTW, since I asked for work pics, thanks! It's cool to see the inner workings of a news station. Even if I can't see the program produced there.
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