Every girl deserves a piece of Tiffany, even if they have to go out and buy it themself.
Tif's the only girl I'd ever pursue, fight over, worship and love.
In honor of a major life accomplishment and my 28th birthday (an accomplishment in itself), I picked up one of those sterling silver bead bracelets. At about a hundred bucks, it's the most affordable thing at the bastion of baubles and luxury jewelry. It doesn't scream "Tiffany", but then that's not my style. I'm more of the classy, understated type (surprising, I know.)
My little blue box came in the mail today, and is solely responsible for the permasmile plastered across my face.
Men, if you're doing your holiday shopping, may I suggest something from this fine retailer? Every woman goes mad for that little blue box.
I'm allergic to almost all metals except for Silver and Platinum.
My last boyfriend spoiled the heck out of me with Tiffany's, mostly because he knew I'd be able to wear it and he didn't have to second guess any presents from there...
You are SO right, Kate. I have every Tiffany's box I've ever received. I have a linen closet with a top shelf that's at about the eight-foot level. Since I can't put anything else up there, I have it decorated with my Tiffany boxes. All tied up with their white satin ribbons. Just sitting there. For me and me alone to enjoy, since heaven forbid anybody ELSE get their own sheets and towels out.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, there's still PLENTY of room for more.
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