Thursday, November 18, 2004

On second thought...

You know... sometimes things don't happen the way you want it to.

And that's God's greatest blessing.

What's that old saying my mom used to say? Oh yeah: Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

So glad I didn't get what I wanted.


Little Pieces of Me said...

being a little bit cryptic :)

perhaps talking about the gentleman from your previous post?

Kate The Great said...

Oh, Bex, you're a smart gal!

All that romance is like an elixir that has a way of inbriating your judgment. Playing some monday morning quarterback, I realize I am probably best suited for a different suitor! One with less baggage.

You know... I'm so anxious for something magical to happen. But that's the thing... when it goes the way God wants it to, bells will be ringing and angels will sing and all that good stuff. So I just have to be patient and happy with the way life is going as it is...

Pink Poppy said...

Ya' know how they always say that you find love when you aren't looking? That is the way it always happened for me. I feel like I really fell head over heels in love five times (and that includes my high school boyfriend. At sixteen it ALWAYS feels "head-over-heels"). And I was never "on the prowl" when it happened. I think that there is something very seductive about a woman who is so preoccupied with other things that she seems almost too busy for "romance". Men REALLY love that. So everytime I was "least available", the best guys came around. Cupid is SOOOO weird that way....

Unknown said...

Ahhh Poppster you read my mind. Indifference is the biggest man magnet in the world.