You don't say...

Photo courtesy of the BBC
I spotted Captain Kirk at The Cafe at Joseph Beth Booksellers. I knew he had a horse farm close by, but I had no idea I'd ever see him. I had to share my server with Billy (who is apparently very attention needy in the way of restaurant service) Tuesday during lunch time. My server says he's in there all the time.
Mister Shatner passed by me on his way out of the bookstore, and my only suggestion for him is he starts wearing looser pants. The physique of his posterior was quite evident (but perhaps not attractive) in his selection of the day.
He certainly seems like he'd be a diva (divo for men?)and require a lot of attention. But he's such a good wait...he's not....but hey, the man sure can sing...oh no wait...he sounds awful...what is he famous for again?
Oh yeah, that sci-fi show people turned into a quasi-religion. I used to watch it too, kiddos, when I was young, and it was certainly entertaining...but I never got to the point of learning how to conjugate verbs in Klingon. Kirk?!?
Holy are cooler than ever now!
So, will you marry me?
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