-Say please and thank-you, excuse me, pardon and God bless you.
-Send handwritten thank-you notes when someone gives you a gift, tangible or otherwise.

-Don't pass on gossip. Pass on compliments.
-Call your parents once a week to tell them you love them.

-Help those in need, and learn how to ask people for help when you're in need.
-Tell the truth, even when it hurts.
-Do everything in moderation.
-Listen to others with a closed mouth and an open mind.
-Leave the store before you make the big purchase. If you go back a week later, you know you really want it or need it.
-Know how to hold your silverware properly at the table. Table manners are priceless.
-Karma really exists.
-Before criticizing, critiquing, bashing, or insulting... pause and think "there but for the grace of God go I."
-Work hard. Don't finish a job until it's done right, strive for perfection and always search for the next level of achievement. Even if no one else notices.
-Don't toot your own horn.

-Appreciate the simpler things in life. Sometimes money will be lean or the body will be tired, that's when a good book or a long talk can be entertainment enough.
-Don't eat that second piece of cake.
-Drink water, 8 glasses if you can... it's really life's fountain of youth.
-Time is the greatest gift you can give someone.
-Pick your battles.
-Think before you speak, especially if you're going to say something with irreparable impact.
-Don't play your trump card unless you have to.

-Don't "put on the dog".
-Dorothy said it best: There's no place like home.
-Blood is thicker than water.
-Brush your teeth twice a day. Three times if you have braces.
-Trust your instincts about people.
-Use sunscreen.
-Trust in God. There really IS a plan at work, even if you might not have a clue what it is.
-Be a stickler for good spelling. It's hard to see the big picture when one's distracted by all the errors.
-Can't say enough about that honesty thing.
-Take time to play with children.
-Always buy Girl Scout cookies, Boy Scout candy, magazines, gift wrap and other fundraising efforts.
-Never pay full price for something over 20 bucks.
-You can be anything you want to be, as long as you work at it.
-Good looks are only skin deep, and they only last 20 years or so without any surgical assistance.

-Children should nurture talents in both one sport and a fine art.
-Seek therapy if you're weathering a storm within. People need doctors for both the outside and the inside.
-Try new foods. It's the easiest, least expensive way to add some adventure to an otherwise ho-hum day.
-Look but don't touch. In homes, stores, and strip bars.
-On second thought, don't go to that strip bar if you're married, or want to be.
-Don't rush in to marriage, and only do it once. You have your whole life to fall in love.
-Skim milk and diet soda are just about as good as the real thing.
-Fulfill yourself with experiences, not things. The memories last much longer and provide you with more to draw from.
-Always have a valid passport.

-Put your library card to good use.
-Walk. To the park, to the store, to dinner.
-Be a good host. Show your friends just how much they mean to you.
-Don't drink and drive. Ever.
<3 this :)
Compliment him, the way he makes you feel so special and cared for, his caring touch, his sense of humor, his passionate behavior, his possessiveness, etc. These are just a few of the little things that really count more than all the gifts and wealth in the world.
Source: http://bit.ly/cEjAt8
I agree, there is also an interesting perspective that I found on this blog if anyones interested :)
Kate x
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